
Customs License Instruments

Customs License Instruments

This is a service to assist your company in the process of obtaining various licenses in the area of customs issued by Directorate General of Customs and Excise.

There are various licenses required before companies running their business activities with some facilities. Such licenses are Bonded Zone Facility, Bonded Warehouse Facility, and Import Facilities for Export Purposes (KITE) licenses.

License for Bonded Warehouse are:

  • Confirmation of bonded warehouse area and license as Bonded Warehouse Operator (PGB), the license is valid for five years and extendable
  • Confirmation of bonded warehouse area and the granting of license as PGB and as Bonded Warehouse Entrepreneur, the license is valid for three years and extendable
  • License as Entrepreneur in Bonded Warehouse (PDGB) who also acts as PGB, the license is valid for three years and extendable

License for Bonded Zone are:

  • Confirmation of certain area as bonded zone and license as Bonded Zone Operator (PKB)
  • Confirmation of certain area as bonded zone and license as PKB and Bonded Zone Entrepreneur
  • License as Entrepreneur in Bonded Zone (PDKB) who also acts as PKB